Sri Venkateswara Crackers

Lakshmi Sri Crackers

Whole Sale & Retail Seller
( Colourful Fancy Fireworks, Crackers & Sparklers Sales Depot )
  • Sattur Main Road, Anupankulam Sivakasi - 626 189
Lakshmi Sri Crackers


At Lakshmi Sri Crackers, we value our customer's delightful experience a lot. In order to make it more seamless, we are introducing different funding plans to make this Diwali a smart one.

— Why Choose Us
Lakshmi Sri Crackers

We are one of the leading supplier of Wholesale & Retail Crackers

Lakshmi Sri Crackers is a reputed suppliers, who has been involved in fire crackers business. Commitment to our customers is one of our core values. We offer various range of fireworks products such as ground chakkars, flower pots, twinkling stars, garlands, rockets, flower pots, pencils, atombombs, colour matches, and all other fancy items.

Each and every moment in life has to be celebrated and we make your celebrations still more memorable with our sivakasi crackers shop.

Lakshmi Sri Crackers
10 +
Years Of Experience

Have any questions related our products? Feel Free to Enquire Us!

Contact Now
Lakshmi Sri Crackers
Lakshmi Sri Crackers
For More Details Call
+91 95663 96661
Lakshmi Sri Crackers